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All prices are in $AUD Australian Dollars.

($10:00 AUD equals approx. $7:00 USD; €6:00 EUR; £5:40 GBP)

Please be kind. All my work is shown here in good faith. Aside from violating copyright, stealing my work may end up reversing the "magic" you seek to gain.

Galdrastafir - Staves, Sigils & Symbols:

Whether it is for a tattoo stencil, a template to be applied onto a cup or t-shirt or even to get professionally printed onto a canvas, these popular staves will continue to provide inspiration and magical protection. Make your selection below and you will receive a high resolution custom graphic design in PDF format. I include as an added bonus my historical research, examples from manuscript and translations.
Your payment will also help support my further research into this fascinating culture!

starClick or tap on the design to automatically fill the order form:
The Vegvísir on the first row are my own design, a composite of the best of the authentic pre-1900
Icelandic manuscripts. On the second row are each version redrawn graphicly with thin lines.
The purpose of Vegvísir is to not get lost in storms. A modern interpretation is finding or keeping to one's path.
copy copy copy copy
Vegvisir - No border

(s) $10:00

Vegvisir - In circles

(s) $10:00

Vegvisir - In celtic

(m) $20:00

Vegvisir - In runes

(l) $30:00

copy copy copy copy
Vegvisir - Vigfusson 1860

(s) $10:00

Vegvisir - Unknown 1865

(s) $10:00

Vegvisir - Geirsson 1868

(s) $10:00

Vegvisir - Eggertsson 1940

(s) $10:00

Each of the Ægishjálmur shown here are my renditions taken from authentic pre-1900 Icelandic manuscripts.
The Ægishjálmur has several purposes but primarily it is for protection; against enemies, powerful men and evil intentions.
copy copy copy copy


Version 1 :(xs) $5:00
Version 2 :(s) $10:00
Version 3 :(m) $20:00
Version 4 :(m) $20:00

Click on the version you want, then scroll down to pay.

copy copy


None :----  
Circle :Free 
Celtic :$10:00
Runic :$20:00

If you also want a border write which in the Details section.

The Others...
copy copy copy copy
Draumstafur V1

(xs) $5:00

for Dreams
Draumstafur V2

(xs) $5:00

for Dreams
Draumstafur V3

(s) $10:00

for Dreams
Against Bad Dreams

(s) $10:00

and Insomnia
copy copy copy copy

(xs) $5:00

for Friendship

(m) $20:00

for Strong Mind
Soolar Lilia

(l) $30:00

for Family Safety

(m) $20:00

for a Good Life
copy copy copy copy

(xs) $5:00

to prevent Bad Luck
Lukkustafur & Runes

(m) $20:00

for Good Fortune

(m) $20:00

to get a Girl (Love stave)

(s) $10:00

for Courage
copy copy copy copy

(xl) $40:00

for Travel

(xl) $40:00

for Hiding
Innsigli Salomons

(xl) $40:00

Wisdom & Good Dreams

(xl) $40:00

for Wealth
The Super Staves...
copy copy

(xxl) $50:00

for Love

(xxl) $50:00

to See all the World
copy copy
Vondur Arons

(xxl) $50:00

for General Protection

(xxl) $50:00

for Spiritual Protection
copy copy
Aaron’s Staff

(xl) $40:00

for Good Protection
Aaron’s Shield

(xl) $40:00

for Good Protection
Viking Age Symbols...
copy copy copy copy
Thors Hammer ¹

(xs) $5:00

ref: Lolland Amulet
Thors Hammer ²

(xs) $5:00

ref: Lolland Amulet
Valknut ¹

(xs) $5:00

ref: Tängelgarda stone
Valknut ²

(xs) $5:00

ref: Stora Hammars I stone

Order Your Pre-Design Here.

You can manually enter the Name and Price OR just click or tap on the image of it shown above.
(Please do not select a price different to the listed price given above)
Item Name:
Item Price:

Order Your Custom Design Here.

If you know the name of another symbol you want or just know what purpose you want a symbol
for please complete the details below. I will contact you to discuss any further requirements.
Requirements Detail:

Rune Writing and Bind-Runes:

I specialize in Icelandic runes, however I can write authentic runes from any system, any region and any era.

Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Medieval, Long Branch, Short Twig, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Cryptic

I cater for multiple styles: thick, thin or stylized for tattoos, etc.

rune writing of havamal 142 stotz
rune writing of havamal 142 gulls
Havamal Verse 142 [Norse/Icelandic]: Rúnar munt þú finna, ok ráðna stafi, mjök stóra stafi, mjök stinna stafi
Havamal Verse 142 [Meaning]: Runes you will find, and readable staves, Very strong staves, Very stout staves
sator square

Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas

njal saga quote

Njál’s Saga, Chapter 12:
Let there be fog And let the be phantoms,
Weird marvels To baffle your hunters.

Magnus Magnusson, 1960

Remember. All my work is shown here in good faith. Aside from violating copyright, stealing my work may end up reversing the "magic" you seek to gain.

hugr1 hugr2
Poetic Edda, Chapter 21 - The Ballad of Fafnir.
My own translation, 2018.
Created by me, a magical stave.
The bind-rune, repeated onto itself 8 times.

Order Your Custom Rune Writing Here.

Please enter the words you want written below and any specifications (e.g.: rune system, region, era); otherwise you can just leave it blank. I will contact you to discuss all further requirements.
Requirements Detail:


Aiming to provide a good understanding of Galdrastafir including their design, history and background these essays lay the groundwork for exploration.

Huld ms trans The Huld Manuscript - ÍB 383 4to. 3rd Edition!
A modern transcription, decryption and translation
by Justin Foster © 06/2015 – 6/2019

$8:00, less discount*

The Icelandic manuscript called Huld, meaning secrecy, was made by Geir Vigfússon in 1860. It features a collection of runic alphabets in the first half and a small set of 30 "galdrastafir", magic symbols and sigils, in the second. This presentation focuses only on the second and aims to provide a more complete and accurate English translation of the Icelandic text and secret codes.

Icelandic Magic Symbols Icelandic Magic Symbols and Spellbooks
An Annotated English Translation
by Justin Foster © 06/2015

$8:00, less discount*

This is a translation of the 1903 treatise by Ólafur Daviðsson, written and published in the German annual journal: Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde under the title Isländische Zauberzeichen und Zauberbücher. This important work follows on from Jón Árnason’s Íslenzkar Þjóðsögur og Æfintýri, discussing this significant aspect of Icelandic culture most prominent in the 17th century.

Icelandic Magic Symbols The Icelandic Tradition of Magic
Analysis of a Late-Eighteenth Century Icelandic Galdrabók
by Christopher A. Smith © 18 Jan 2011

$8:00, less discount*

This essay is very similar in style and content to Christopher’s book Icelandic Magic (see below) but on a much smaller scale. It analyses only the one manuscript Lbs 2413 8vo but still comes to many of the same conclusions as in his book and still an excellent read.

* Get 10% off for ordering two essays. Or, get 20% off for ordering all three essays!

Order Your Essay(s) Here.

Select the Titles and (only if necessary) enter the details in the box below.

*For 2 essays advise details:


Several manuscripts and a thorough examination of their contents are provided in the following books.

Icelandic Magic ★★★★★ Icelandic Magic: Aims, Tools and Techniques of the Icelandic Sorcerers, by Christopher Alan Smith (230 pages, paperback)

$45:00 + postage
discounts apply if you order this with other books*

For the first time, a truely academic study of 6 manuscripts from the 16th to 19th centuries examines hundreds of items to form a clear idea of the aims, tools and techniques of Icelandic sorcerers. This includes incantation, invocation of deities and use of the enigmatic galdrastafir (magical staves).

Icelandic Magic ★★★★★ Rún galdrabók, A facsimile of a grimoire, with English translation by Magnús Rafnsson (133 pages, paperback)

$45:00 + postage
discounts apply if you order this with other books*

A manuscript originally copied by hand on a small farm in Iceland, Strandir district in 1928 is an excellent example of the magic which survived ever since such manuscripts were presented in 17th century courts. This book full of magic, sigils and runic alphabets is a copy and translation of that manuscript.

Tvaer Galdraskraedur ★★★★★ Tvær galdraskræður / Two Icelandic Books of Magic, written and translated by Magnús Rafnsson (263 pages, paperback)

$45:00 + postage
discounts apply if you order this with other books*

The two manuscripts printed here were written around 1800, only 100 years after prosecutions for witchcraft ceased in Iceland. The first manuscript in the book, Lbs 2413 8vo, was written ca. 1800 and is the largest collection of magical staves in a single manuscript. The second manuscript in the book, Lbs 764 8vo, was written ca. 1820.


* Get $5 off for ordering two books. Or, get $10 off for ordering all three books.

Order Your Book(s) Here.

Tick which Book(s) you want above, then select your delivery location and click the Buy Now button below.
Delivery World Wide
International postage equals a $15 flat fee plus $15 for each book. Allow up to 3 weeks for delivery. The fees include the cost of tracking and signature at delivery point.
Delivery Within Australia
Postage equals a $15 flat fee. Allow up to 4 business days for delivery. Check this option only if delivery is to an address in Australia.
Note: There is one other book that I think is very relevent to Galdrastafir and
comes at a cheaper price. It is Norse Magical Herbal Healing by Ben Waggoner.


These manuscripts are for the most part freely available on the Internet, however they are provided only as single page by page images or PDFs, often faded or darkened due to age and having oversized backgrounds. The prices I charge are not for these images but rather the time and effort to crop and enhance the images and merge them into one PDF file...

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Huld The Huld Ms - ÍB 383 4to


This 1860 manuscript by Geir Vigfússon shows over 300 runic alphabets plus 30 galdrastafir including Kaupaloki, Lukkustafir, Salómons Insigli and the wonderful and often cited Vegvísir.
ata amb2 page 5r Galdrabók - ATA Ämb2


Probably the most quoted Icelandic grimoire, from pre 1650, contains several examples of Aegishjalmur along with both pagan and Christian invocations.
Galdrakver Galdrakver - Lbs 143 8vo


Another well published Icelandic grimoire, dated 1670, has the most recognised Aegishjalmur plus many other useful prayers, spells and symbols.
Laekningakver Lækningakver - AM 434a 12mo


Possibly the earliest known Icelandic grimiore dated to between 1475 and 1525.

Order Your Manuscript(s) Here.

Tick which Manuscript(s) you want above, then click the Buy Now button below.

Justin Foster, Norse Graphics © 2014 – 2024.